/ What We Do

What we do

We commit to the management of the Network, which lets us create partnership relations and a permanent exchange of know-how and opportunities. Being just the starting point of the projecting chain, the Network allows us either to act as leaders or to work for third parties.

Network management

We are constantly engaged in the activities related to the Network's enlargement and management:

● Communication
● Event organization, discussion tables
● Support activities for synergies between partners
● Search for new partners

● Promotion of the network

● Press office and public relations


A fundamental section of the planning area is certainly Europlanning. We firmly believe in the value of confronting the various realities that surround our country, which is why we enthusiastically took up the challenge of participating in European calls, supported by the constantly growing international network.

In addition to carrying out the activities necessary for the presentation, management, and reporting of the projects we directly promote as Become Yourself Network, we can carry out the following activities for other organizations:

● Analysis of grants and identification of funding opportunities;

● Project Design & Writing; 
● Management; 
● Partnerships Agreements;
● Reporting;

● Communication and dissemination;

● Project Evaluation.